
Deepika Chawla

<p>Creating a strategic plan and thinking strategically is not about doing more tasks but it&rsquo;s about how you spend your time so that you are more effective in reaching your goals and getting where you want to go.</p> <p>No organization has well amount of money, people or resources. Strategic planning can help you make the most use of the resources, allowing you to have more enjoyment in work while you are doing it.</p> <p>Below specified are the 8 reasons for getting the team together for a strategic planning commission.</p> <h1>VISION-</h1> <p>You will be able to make a clear picture of what success looks like in future. If you don&rsquo;t know where you are going then how can you get there?</p> <p>Setting up a strategy planning meeting with the team will help to get on the targets and complete the mission that the company desires.</p> <h1>PRIORITIES-</h1> <p>You will easily identify priorities of work done for short as well as long term that is you will be able to identify that what work has to be done now and what need to be performed after some time, one can easily identify it and perform accordingly.</p> <h1>ALIGNMENT-</h1> <p>You will get alignment and around direction of the strategy. Having these conversations will move your team from implicitly being on the same page to explicitly being on the same page. The clarity will energize the team</p> <h1>IDENTIFY THE CHALLENGES-</h1> <p>The best thing about the meeting is that you can get an opportunity to talk about key issues facing business such that competition, changing trends etc. You need to be pro-active if you want to survive in the difficult times and not take your eyes off your goal.</p> <h1>DIRECTION-</h1> <p>You will be able to create a clear road map for the rest of you r organization. People in the organizations will know where are they going and how can they contribute in the progress of the organization. An engaged staff is more effective than a neutral or worse case a dis-engaged staff. If you want a win-win situation to happen then this is what you should follow.</p> <h1>OPEN COMMUNICATION-</h1> <p>You will create a space for the people to share what&rsquo;s going on with them and what they want to see as the future of the organization. It will help to open the lines of the organization and improve network.</p> <h1>EMPOWERMENT-</h1> <p>You will be able to empower yourself (above and below you) to take on tasks that will move the organization forward. A good leader focuses on what one can do the best that is leading and executing. Strategic planning need not take a lot of time. Start with one or two day meeting and review quarterly and the results will speak for themselves.</p> <h1>VALUES AND CULTURE-</h1> <p>You can create the culture, values and behaviors that you needs to foster within your organization. When your values are articulated your team will understand what you expect from them on a day to day basis. Culture and glue are the factors that keep a strategic plan together.</p> <p>We can conclude from the above that how a strategy planning meeting can transform the business and take the business to a whole new level of success and help the organization and its employees grow.</p>

Impact of Strategic Planning

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